Our first full day was great! We got up early, had breakfast in the hotel and got on the public bus for Valparaiso. The buses there are so different from the ones in Pittsburgh. They drive so fast and don't really wait for people to get back on or anything. When we got to Valpariso we went to Universidad Tecnica Federico de Santa Maria and met Javier. Javier took us on a tour of the beautiful campus. The view was fantastic with the beach and houses in the hills. Even though I didn't have my camera today it was still amazing. I was able to enjoy the view without the camera in front of me. We then had two lectures about Chile and other Latin American countries' economies and governments. When we went to lunch in the school cafeteria, we honestly felt like we had three heads walking around. We definitely stood out; people actually moved away when we sat down at the table. After lunch we had a bus tour of Valpariso and Vina del Mar. Everything was so pretty. I think its so cool to see everything painted all over the walls and stairs (so many stairs!). I was really impressed by the amount of talented people that painted the walls. At the end of our tour we stopped at the General Prat memorial. My group researched Prat for our presentation, so to see how honored the fallen were, being in a huge square. One of the students that came with us on the tour said that this square was often used for parades. At the square we met a guy from Australia who was running all the way down Chile to raise cancer awareness. He was running 33 miles a day, which is more than a marathon and has another month to go. Oh my goodness. Another highlight of the tour was going up the incline to see the whole city. After the tour we finally had empanads! Then we had salsa lessons. I personally have two left feet, but it was still fun and apparently we were pretty good.
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